Thursday, January 26, 2012

new blog, new resolve

My mother-in-law and I recently began sewing blocks from the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt, and my attachment to sewing and creating got a new lease on life.  My husband and I live in a tiny apartment (425 square feet tiny), and we only have one proportionately tiny table, so my first blocks were actually cut on the kitchen floor and sewn standing up at the kitchen counter!  Here are the first three:

"Friendship," block #39

"Mother's Dream," block #58

"Broken Dishes," block #11


photograph taken by Brooke Bready

Welcome, welcome! I'd like to offer you the hospitality of a cookie and a cup of tea, coffee, lemonade or just iced water-- but the internet does have its limits, so you'll have to settle for some photos and good intentions. Honestly, if you're reading this page I'm extremely grateful you're here. I've been doing the blogging thing for a few years now, sporadically, quietly, and blogging publicly is a big change for me. I've been reading blogs for a long time and never quite grasped how they supplement online community because I never gathered enough courage to introduce myself as a reader-- but if you're here, please say hello.  Your encouragement will help keep me writing!  If it takes you awhile, well... that's okay, too.  You're still welcome in this place!

My name is Amelia, I live in Washington, DC, and I like handmade things. Whether I make them or someone else makes them matters not. I'm a fan of doing things myself, and trying really hard even when it feels like I never quite get there.  My husband Mark and I live with our 6 year old cairn terrier, Moses, in a teeny tiny apartment. I'm a grad school survivor and Mark's just starting his grad school journey.

I've always made things and spent a lot of time thinking about how to make things.  These days, my making pursuits seem to be focused on healthy, tasty food and things I can make with my sewing machine. I am a quilter, but our apartment size has made quilting a challenge (and grad school before that)!  I'm dabbling in garment making, but my favorite things are usually functional instead of wearable.  I also have big dreams of reupholstering our couch, but like I said, small place!

When it comes to food, I am actively trying to lose weight and a member of Weight Watchers. I am always on the hunt for a good, light recipe. I am also exploring alternative diets to what I know.  I have been a member of a CSA for several years and I love getting my produce (and eggs!) from Randy and Chris-- or growing things myself in summer months.  One day, I have dreams of keeping chickens and bees!  'Alternative diets' sounds scary-- I'm really just trying to eat things that grow in the ground, preferably local ground, instead of being cooked up in a lab (and made out of corn).  Fruits and vegetables, yes!

I work full time and maintain this blog in my spare time, so sometimes posts will not be on time.  Sometimes, they will even be back-dated (because I am like that).  I try to post Monday through Thursday with a 'This Moment' photo post on Fridays.  If you like what you read, I'd love it if you'd add me to your reader or follow me.

I am also on Pinterest (where you will find very many ideas for things that might one day make it to this blog), and Etsy (where I am struggling to make things to sell instead of buy).  You can also email me at amelia (dot) masdin @ gmail (dot) com.